March is colon cancer awareness month and the Greenbrier Clinic, in partnership with is doing its part to spread the word by conducting campaigns on social media and help save lives by preventing this deadly disease. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths, most of which are preventable with proper screening. Guidelines recommend average risk screening at age 50 and even earlier in some cases such as a family history of colon cancer.

A colonoscopy is a safe and effective method of colon cancer screening. It has advantages over other methods of screening including improved accuracy and the ability to remove pre-cancerous polyps which can be present in up to 30-40% of the population. In addition cancers can be detected at early life-saving stages. The importance of the screening cannot be underestimated as most people will not have symptoms of colon cancer or pre-cancerous polyps. Preparation for the procedure requires drinking a solution which rapidly cleanses the intestinal tract, visit The Greenbrier Clinic has the services of two experienced board certified gastroenterologists. We provide deep sedation to eliminate any procedural discomfort and patients can expect to be in and out of the facility within 90 minutes. Our goal is to make a difference by increasing screening, saving lives, and providing high quality personal care to the community. The Greenbrier Clinic accepts most commercial insurances.

Please contact us at 304-536-4870 ext. 391 to schedule your screening colonoscopy.