19 08, 2024

Understanding Your Lab Results

2024-08-19T17:05:28+00:00August 19th, 2024|

One of the many advantages of The Greenbrier Clinic is  a fully accredited laboratory, which performs 98 percent of all needed testing on the premises. But for some, understanding what is completed in the lab and what the results mean can be confusing. Lab Director Angie Hanna is here to help with some beneficial information about what happens behind the lab's doors.

2 08, 2024

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

2024-08-02T13:54:40+00:00August 2nd, 2024|

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and The Greenbrier Clinic highly recommends getting your flu shot this season. The flu vaccine is not a 100 percent guarantee that you won't get the flu, but it significantly lessons the chances and it reduces the severity of the the symptoms and the likelihood of complications should an individual contract the flu. We recommend receiving the vaccine by the end of October, though it's never too late to take steps to [...]